Thursday, August 29, 2013

11 Month Update (yep, it's late, of course!!)

couch cash 11 months

Are you really going to be ONE YEAR OLD in only a month?! (well... less than a month, by the time I get around to posting this!). I can't believe it. Also, let me tell you... it is EXTREMELY difficult to get you to sit on the couch. This month I was smart enough to turn the tv on while attempting to capture your handsome-ness.

Physical Development
Cash definitely seemed to gain some extra strength and ability in this last month! He learned to get from his army crawl position on his tummy, to pulling himself into standing position (July 25). I was super excited by this... until he learned how to pull up in the crib, and couldn't figure out how to get back down. That made for a few rough nights of sleep. And then one night he pulled the camera to the baby monitor off the side of the crib, so it needed to be hung up on the wall!

Shortly after, he learned to bend down and pick up objects, while standing against furniture.

Whenever we had previously been playing on grass, I noticed that Cash would get up onto hands and knees. July 22, he showed us (in the grass, of course) that he knew how to "real" crawl. But still insists on army crawling everywhere else. Maybe he doesn't want grass stains on his tummy.

He began waving hello and good-bye, when prompted.

Still no actual words from him! He does a lot of "da da da" "ma ma ma "ra ra ra", etc. But doesn't really associate them to anything in particular. He does know who/what a lot of things are - dad, mom, motor, pirate, fish, ball.

This kid has quite the appetite, he must have my metabolism. He eats the most at breakfast time.
Grapes are definitely a big favourite of his. He also really enjoys salmon, still loves yogurt, bagel with cream cheese, cheese cubes, spaghetti, pork chop, and shrimp. There's nothing that he doesn't really like, but sometimes goes one night where he's not too excited about a particular food, but likes it again the next time we have it.

The bain of my existence. Sleep got really bad again this month, with many wake-ups only 2 hours apart. He stopped falling asleep on his own, and stopped letting Garrick comfort him. I decided to start some sort of gentle night-weaning. First, I tried to shorten the nursing sessions, but that didn't work. Then I tried to nurse him in less comfortable positions.. like with him kind of sitting in my lap instead of comfortable laying... so that he would think it was too much effort just for a comfort nurse. Buuut he started just turning his head funny and causing extreme discomfort for me!

We bought him the next size up car seat! He was getting very close to the height limit on his bucket seat, and we just knew that he would be more comfortable in the convertible seat, so I spent a couple weeks doing some hardcore research, and we finally decided on the Evenflo Symphony DLX. We wanted a rear-facing/ forward-facing/ booster convertible, one with high ratings (obviously), easy to install (we frequently switch between 3 vehicles), among other factors. So far, we're loving this! Cash rode in it when we went down to Osoyoos, and did GREAT! He's definitely more comfortable in it.

Oh, I almost forgot! Cash also rode in the new car seat when we went to the Kootenays. Only a couple days before Garrick was scheduled to go for his usual work trip, we decided to give it a shot and have Cash and I join him. It's a loooooot of driving, with all the stops Garrick has to make on the way, so we didn't know if it would go over too well. We left at 5 am, and didn't get to Nelson until 3! But whenever we could, Cash and I got out and stretched, walked around, or had a picnic in a park! On the Wednesday, him and I explored Nelson while Garrick was out working. All in all, there were no major freak outs in the car, and it was a rather pleasurable experience.

Cash really wants to play with the cats. He tried to dangle their toys in front of them. So cute!

Very attracted to the colour red. And anything floating.

11 month post photos
trying to reach the couch from the table : cat wrestling
reading his favourite book with Saija : lounging with mama
11 month post photos
picnic in Kelowna : trying out the new car seat
morning play time : discovered the stairs
11 month post photos
 checking out Lyra : cuties!
watching the goats together : Lyra trying to hug Cash
11 month post photos
looooves playing in the bathroom : standing and chewing on the crib
sleepy dude : acrobatic nursing
11 month post photos
hanging out poolside in Osoyoos : our happy family
sharing snacks with ducks : the ducks were rather friendly
11 month post photos
trying out a pair of sunglasses : yes, those are jeggings
faaaast asleep : his peapod travel tent
11 month post photos
hanging out in Nelson : the only way to have a casual breakfast
mama's  boy : helping dad work

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